Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1st Day of Kindergarten

I was five years, two months old when I started kindergarten. My family plus my grandmother and great-grandfather lived on a farm in Newfield, New Jersey.  We only had one neighbor, but we did have lots and lots of pets. At one time, we had 8 cats, 2 ducks, 1 dog, assorted chickens, and a canary. (Can you understand why I’m not so crazy about pets?)

In 1962, there wasn’t preschool and I didn’t go to Sunday school so you can understand my anticipation to go to school with other children.  I was so excited to start school that when the yellow school bus pulled up at the end of my gravel driveway, I flew to the bus, climbed those steps and sat down right in the front row. Only to have the bus driver say, “Not you! Your sister! Your bus comes later!” I was that eager.

That type of excitement doesn’t come along very often, but I felt it Sunday night. By 8 p.m., my clothes for the next day were already ironed – usually a task left for 6:55 a.m.! My handbag was organized. My newly purchased monthly T pass looked perfect in a little navy blue and green Vera Bradley wallet. I had studied the schedule and drove a dry run to the T parking lot. I read and re-read the company website and links I had been sent prior to my start date.

And, still… I was nervous.

Just like kindergarten. Would I make friends? Would they like me? Would I do well?

Up early, ready early and 45 minutes early – not much has changed since 1962!

I am happy to report, that just like my first day of kindergarten, my first day at PricewaterhouseCoopers was fantastic. I can’t remember taking a job where I felt so strongly that it was a perfect fit. I’m so excited for what is to come – I feel like a 5 year old!


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