Thursday, January 12, 2012


I should be sad, but that would be selfish.

Instead, I am happy.  Happy that I knew Father John Thomas, and happier still that I could call him my friend.  His obituary does not tell the whole story
But it's close.

How can you describe someone who is eternally positive?  Joyful?  Spirtual?  To know him was a blessing and an honor.  As my son just said, "He was the man."

I got a phone call late Sunday afternoon that he would not be with us much longer.  I did two things:  I immediately wrote a thank you letter then I drove to the hospice, and rang the doorbell.  It was after 7 pm and they rang me in.  I gave the letter to the nurses and trusted they would see he got it.   I heard yesterday from a friend that his daughter read it to him.  That simple act gave me so much joy.

Years ago, when I was struggling, something happened that seemed miraculous, almost too good to be true.  My then husband had had a sudden change of heart, and felt that God was telling him to stay with his family and me.  I was suspicious, disbelieving.  Father John had been counseling me through the difficulty of that time, so naturally I went to see him.  I told him the entire story:  The sign on the side of the road, the blinding sunlight, how my husband felt dizzy and came to the new conclusion that our family belonged together.  I looked at Father and asked him point blank, "Is it possible?"  Father John never hesitated in his answer, "Why isn't it possible?"  And then he did what he did best, he took my hand and we prayed.

I saw Father John on a cold morning in December.  He knew of my recent breakup and how it was impacting my life.  We sat in his office and talked. I told him that when the bottom fell out of my life in November and I got my bearings, it was my faith in God that made (and still makes) me believe everything will be okay.  It will work out.  I will be okay.  I said that in spite of all that had happened, miracles in the form of blessings were happening almost every day.  He smiled, took my hand, and we prayed.

After all, why isn't it possible?

It's something I ask myself all the time now... as long as you have God, why isn't it possible?

That's what Father John would have asked.  And I like knowing that.

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