Thursday, May 13, 2010

Top 10 Things for a Great First Date

10.  Get clean – shower, comb your hair, brush your teeth.

9.    Ditch the jeans, tennis shoes and sweatshirt. Ever hear of Dockers?!

8.    Open the door, pull out my chair, offer to pay for the drink – even if it is $8.00.

7.   Ex the ex – do not dis your ex wife, deceased wife or mention your ex girlfriend. If asked “what     happened”, answer in 50 words or less.

6.   If asked “are you over your girlfriend/wife” and you can’t answer yes, go home and get busy.

5.   Never state that you believe the divorce laws in your state are prejudiced towards women – Remember you are sitting across from a divorced woman.
4.   Remember my name so you don't have to call me baby, honey, sweetheart, babe, babydoll, or little girl.

3.   Leave the blackberry home. It's not the only way to tell time.  That's why you wear a watch.

2.   Do not compare me to your mother – living or dead.

1.   Show up!